
Hi there! 👋

I am a researcher currently affiliated with the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, holding a position at the Chair of Business Information Systems & Operations Research.

I am deeply passionate about mathematical optimization, with a specific emphasis on solving discrete optimization problems through the application of Operations Research methods. Over the years, I have developed a profound interest in the synergy between Operations Research and Machine Learning. I am committed to exploring how these two domains can mutually benefit from each other and elevate analytics capabilities further. For an overview of my contributions, you can explore my published papers on Google Scholar.

Outside of academic research, you’ll find me pedaling away on bikes, hitting the pavement for a run, or delving further into algorithms, programming languages, or software frameworks. I have a soft spot for all things tech1; and on this website, you’ll stumble upon a mishmash of my musings.

This blog primarily serves as a mnemonic device for my own reference. Feel free to explore and engage with the diverse topics presented here – a fusion of academia, technology, and my personal journey. 🚀

  1. Such as using GitHub and a virtual private server to continuously deploy new posts to a Docker container that is running Hugo to serve this static website! ↩︎